Country Guide: Finland

Updated: November 24, 2015

Household Goods and Personal Effects

Documents Required

  • Copy of Passport
  • Import Declaration (Customs Form 45) in Finnish, Swedish or English
  • Detailed inventory in Finnish, Swedish or English (must include exact number and description of each item)


Specific Information

  • For shipments originating outside of the European Union (EU), household goods and personal effects can be imported free of duty if:
    • The goods have been used by the foreigner or the foreigner’s family abroad for at least 6 months.
    • The foreigner’s lived in a primary residence abroad for at least 12 months.
  • The shipper’s must have a primary residence in Finland to begin the Customs clearance process.
  • Personal property imported from the EU is admitted free of Customs duty, tax and other restrictions, except prohibitions referred to Article 36 of the Treaty of Rome.
  • Diplomats may import household goods and personal effects duty free provided a detailed inventory has been completed and an obligation for privilege granted by the Foreign Ministry.

Motor Vehicles

Documents Required

  • OBL
  • Certification of Title / Registration


Specific Information

  • All vehicles subject to taxes; however, the car tax on one taxable private vehicle imported by the immigrant at transfer of the normal place of residence is reduced by a maximum of Euro 13,450 if the following three conditions are met:
    • The shipper has stayed abroad continuously for at least one year immediately before moving to Finland
    • The vehicle has been in the ownership, or in the possession leading to ownership, of the shipper or his/her spouse and in the immigrant’s use abroad for at least six months immediately before his/her move to Finland
    •  If the shipper has previously brought in a vehicle free of tax, it is required that the time limit within which that vehicle may not be transferred without payment of tax has expired before his moving to Finland.
  • A tax reduction will not granted to a person under the age of 18 nor a person who has previously lived in Finland and stayed abroad mainly for educational or study purposes.
  • Vehicles imported duty free by a foreigner are subject to prohibition on the sale, hire and transfer of the vehicle for 3 years, one of which must be in Finland.


Documents Required

  • Vaccination Record
  • Veterinary Health Certificate


Specific Information

  • Pets are subject to examination upon arrival to Finland and quarantine; contact the destination agent to confirm the duration.
  • Pets without the Vaccination Record will be returned to the port of origin.
  • Pets may be imported duty free with proof of ownership

Restricted/Dutiable Items

  • Alcoholic products, narcotics, tobacco (are subject to duty and VAT and incitements require special permits)
  • Firearms and ammunition (a special permit by police authorities is required)
  • Live animals and animal products (a special permit is required)
  • Plants and plant parts (a special permit is required)
  • New items (are subject to VAT and duty and must be declared separately on Customs Form 45; a commercial invoice is also required)
  • Art, antiques and precious metal objects (are duty free as part of the household goods shipment; otherwise subject to VAT and duty; a detailed inventory is required)
  • Wedding trousseaux (may be imported duty free as part of the household goods shipment)
  • Inheritances (may be imported duty free if the shipper’s primary residence is in Finland; a detailed inventory and a certified copy of the Will.

Prohibited Items

  • Narcotics/illegal drugs of any kind
  • Pornography and subversive material
  • Explosives, ammunitions and weapons including knives, swords and fireworks
  • Feathers, furs, tusks, skins etc. of animals included on the Endangered Species List and those protected under the CITES Convention

Consignment Instructions

Recommended: Contact the destination agent to ensure all requirements have been met prior to import, especially for differences regarding air / sea shipments.




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